About Us

The Great Glasses story is a 30 year journey filled with retail innovation, industry disruption, and the little guy fighting back.

A David vs. Goliath Story

Great Glasses was born in Hamilton, Ontario in 1994 when Bruce Bergez realized that your needs were changing and 1 pair of glasses just won’t do. His innovations to offer 3-for-1 & free eye tests built the chain of opticals to 24 stores and served up to 50,000 clients annually.

After a 10 year legal battle with the Colleges of Opticians & Optometrists, trying to protect their regulated monopoly, Bruce Bergez was fined $17 million & sentenced to 1 year in jail for his efforts to provide consumer value.

In 2011, Great Glasses was reborn in Chilliwack where it has now grown to 4 locations in British Columbia. We continue to offer our signature 3-for-1 and free eye tests in an attempt to serve you with the best product & exceptional value.

We continue this fight against Goliath to this day….